Regd no: 58416/065/066
Phone: +977-1-4532892
Sunday-Friday: 9:00 - 18:00

About Us

We Xenatech Nepal accomplished below the firm act of Nepal government in the year 2009. Its major goal is to offer reliable solutions across the globe. Along with the great slogan “Your expectation our innovation” is not only cleared our intention, however, also it directs us towards the consequence oriented quality deliverance to our precious consumer. Besides, ICT becomes a normal term to indicate present of hi-tech universal community that straightforwardly governs the business universe. Therefore, Xenatech offers utmost solutions to cope along with the tough marketplace. It provides your high-quality web development solution at a reasonable price to customer around the globe.

Why Choose Xenatech Nepal?

  • Quality Service
  • Modern and Updated Technology
  • Business Oriented Digital Marketing
  • Custom Services
  • 100+ Happy Customers
  • 10+ Years Experienced Team

Office Holidays

Winter Hours:
9:30am to 5:00pm Sunday through Friday.
Lunch Time is from 1:00 pm to 2:00.

Summer Hours:
9:30am to 5:30pm Sunday through Friday.

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